Open UPDF on your Mac device and click on the "Open File" button. We've decided to write this section to show you how easy it is to use. If you want to add the image to a PDF, UPDF is the best choice.
How to Insert Picture into PDF on Mac with Preview Alternative?

Preview app on Mac is never an option when it comes to advanced features and time optimization. That's why we'll introduce the best alternative to the Preview app - UPDF - in the first part. However, there is no direct image inserting option in Preview. We'll also discuss the limitations of using the Preview app. In this article, we'll look forward to how to add images into PDF with the Preview app. Though you can add text to PDFs using the Preview app, inserting images into PDFs on Mac with Preview isn't easy at all. But when we talk about editing PDFs, the Preview app falls on the lower side of the competition. When it comes to viewing PDF documents on Mac, the Preview app on Mac will come up to your mind.